Anonymous Coward asked:
hey who are these stardom cuties?? tell me about that?
lol which one?? All of them?? There are so many! But I can talk about some of the ones I posted.
But first, an important detail. In general, it's really weird to talk about real people, their possible orientation real life ships or w/e... But wrestling is WEIRD and is a strange blend of reality and character by design. Like Turbo Reality TV. Atop that, Joshi wrestling is, by many accounts, a kinda hiding...
Anonymous Coward asked:
you're probably sick of hearing this but hey your nails always look amazing
how do I get mine looking smooth instead of streaky and uneven? is it all just top-coat?
So I'd say the single easiest way to get better quality finishes is a quick dry topcoat that you put on before the polish is even touch-dry. Personally I try and aim for just try enough that it won't stain my brush. This, at least in the top coats I've used, active...
Y'all are gonna want me to go back to posting about wrestling
[some time passes]
Alright, real game-dev talk.
lol my friend (ty Miko) sent this to me as a gag so I could have a jump scare but we were talking about Sakurai and why he's kinda a real one. Sakurai doesn't talk about Coyote time. He doesn't tell you how you should design jumps. He tells you how jumps usually are, and then why you might change parts of that to get different effects. He's not teaching you how to design a ju...
So I mentioned the other day about how western fans want Stardom and New Japan to kinda fuse. More specifically, they think it's backwards that New Japan has no women on their shows (besides a few valets). And you hear that and it's like... yeah?? that doesn't sound great?? And if you're a fan who loves new japan and wants to see some of the best women's wrestling peppered on a show too, this seems awfully convenient!
But think about this from the opposite perspective. Image you're a Stardom f...
A few people have been doing it and it's my turn.
I wrote that mental stack article like a decade ago. And I always knew delay added to the stack. I'd be like "Rollback doesn't always help you respond to stuff The latency tax has to be paid somewhere" but I'd also admit that there was a burden to playing on fluctuating delay based netcode that at least speeds you up a little. An understatement.
For most of my two years coming back to Guilty Gear, learning Rev2 after not playing Xrd since...