Minor Updates

October 5th, 2024

Re-evaluating some decisions after the fall of cohost, and after seeing everyone's neocities pages, I decided to re-evaluate my front page. Instead of just assuming everyone who comes here knows who I am and having a kind of cold, but clean drop into a blog roll I decided it was better to have something more personal. This is a minor change, but I feel like it's a much larger vibes change, making it feel less than just a feed. It also lets me put everyone's cute 66x31 icons on my front page, which feels nice.

I also recently redid a huge amount of URLs in an attempt to have cleaner, less robotic seeming links. All these URLs should have valid redirects from the old URLs too. If you got a 404 error clicking a link, please contact me on Twitter or Bluesky or email and let me know. It is very important for me to try and preserve as many links as I can. If I still host the content, I want old links out in the wild to point to it.

I've also removed "Game Journal:" from the title of some older articles. No one should care, but it's use felt arbitrary. Now, Game Journal should ONLY refer to grab-bags and shorts, and not full, in depth write-ups.

Also thank you Camille for the heads up that the RSS feeds were broken due to a bug I introduced while starting these changes. I've modified things to make them work but it involved moving the RSS feeds. They SHOULD auto redirect, but if you have any problems, please tweet or email me(... My email link, which was ALSO broken until Camille pointed it out).

edit: I moved the RSS feed AGAIN but this should be the last time. I got a better understanding of what's going on with things now with the rss plugin.