I shared this image of Kairi and Utami on Cohost and got asked to share more, so...
Okay so we have Kairi Hojo Sane, One of the so called "Three Daughters of Stardom", or one of the three wrestlers who carried the company during its early years. A quick rundown.

- The Pirate Princess
- Really good at crying
- like SO good at crying
- Big Mom Energy. Loved by al.
- Went to WWE for like 5 years
- Small girl with Big Fight
- Incredible elbow drop
- Wrestling style best described as...
Anonymous Coward asked:
hey who are these stardom cuties?? tell me about that?
lol which one?? All of them?? There are so many! But I can talk about some of the ones I posted.
But first, an important detail. In general, it's really weird to talk about real people, their possible orientation real life ships or w/e... But wrestling is WEIRD and is a strange blend of reality and character by design. Like Turbo Reality TV. Atop that, Joshi wrestling is, by many accounts, a kinda hiding...
So I mentioned the other day about how western fans want Stardom and New Japan to kinda fuse. More specifically, they think it's backwards that New Japan has no women on their shows (besides a few valets). And you hear that and it's like... yeah?? that doesn't sound great?? And if you're a fan who loves new japan and wants to see some of the best women's wrestling peppered on a show too, this seems awfully convenient!
But think about this from the opposite perspective. Image you're a Stardom f...