Y'all are gonna want me to go back to posting about wrestling
[some time passes]

Alright, real game-dev talk.
lol my friend (ty Miko) sent this to me as a gag so I could have a jump scare but we were talking about Sakurai and why he's kinda a real one. Sakurai doesn't talk about Coyote time. He doesn't tell you how you should design jumps. He tells you how jumps usually are, and then why you might change parts of that to get different effects. He's not teaching you how to design a ju...
The topic of reaction speeds comes up a lot in my pet-genre of fighting games, especially when talking about casual players. Commonly they will exclaim “I just don’t have the reaction speed to play these games!” which I think is a fundamental misunderstanding of how one’s reactions work. There is a biological component to reaction speed that is hard or perhaps, impossible to improve, but that is not what most people lack. This is much like the concept of APM in RTSs. People commonly exclaim they...