(but probably could afford to press them a little less)
Trynant’s words after I decided I hated Nioh. Trynant had sent me Nioh 1 and 2 for my birthday and, upon saying this, I immediately received a steam alert. He had given me Sekiro. Was this Nioh NTR?
And so I had Sekiro. I had wanted to play Sekiro for awhile but my computer was slightly too weak when it came out and the idea of buying a game for a PS4 that wasn’t even mine felt bad. But I’m patient so I waited, getting to it f...
I’m reluctant to say Nioh and Nioh 2 are bad games. A lot of people enjoy the games and when a lot of people enjoy a game — especially a niche game with no brand recognition — it means the game is succeeding at something. These are also games I would never buy for myself. The pitch of “It’s Dark Souls but with Diablo Loot” sounds like such a downgrade for my particular tastes that I’d never bother. “Soulsborne-like” is already a genre I avoid. Fromsoft makes games I enjoy because of their tastes...
Ninja Taro (or it’s proper name, Sengoku Ninja-kun) is the exact type of game I hope to find when randoming in through old roms. I can’t expect to find some beautiful classic I never heard of (unless it’s on some obscure system I never knew about), but I can sometimes stumbled into flawed, quirky games with a good bit of ambition.
Ninja Taro isn’t a particularly good game. Just going by controls, it’s a bad game. But it fits a genre of game I always am interested in when I bump into th...
So at this point my blog is used about once a year to act as a year-end roundup for all the important games I’ve played. I realize now that this is stupid. Why try and remember a game I played 12 months ago when I can write about them as it happens?
So, for whatever reason recently (actually it was because of some tweets but that doesn’t matter) I was like “Huh! I’ve never played a Tony Hawk game! I should take care of that!”
I started with no particular destination in mind but I managed to...
2019 was a weird year for me where I felt like I played nothing while I played what seems like far more games than usual. It felt like year spent ‘catching up’, where the scope of what I played didn’t become clear until I started putting it all down on paper. Either way here is my barely proof read yearly ramblings.
Death Stranding
A 2019 game in 2019? I have my friend, April, to thank for this who lent me her PS4 for almost a year at this point to play through several games. She bough...