Engage with Media but don't Overthink it!!
May 31st, 2024A lotta stuff I've put out recently has talked about trying to engage with stuff beyond surface level and I've had a few people asking me how, so like...
- Firstly, don't stress out about this. I know I've been screaming like a hyena but it's perfectly fine to do something specifically to check out. That said there should be some things you care about!! But you can be selective we don't have infinite emotional energy!!
- It shouldn't be Work. Don't be intimidated by all us Effort Posters, that's not the reason to do this stuff. The Effort Posts comes from being funny little obsessed weirdos
- It's not about having a big fancy thesis. It's about just being present in the moment. Treating it like a walk in the woods rather than a morning run. One is about the place and what you're doing, and the other is something where the goal is to finish it.
But okay you wanna get a little bit more more than present. You wanna have thoughts.
- Ask questions. Like really simple questions. What is this game, or movie or w/e trying to do? How is it trying to make you feel? verbalize it in your head a bit.
- Notes are super cool. I know some people who keep journals while they play games they care a lot about it. Sometimes an open DM with someone works well I consulted convos I had with @Mirai when writing the Dread review. For Super Junkoid I just kept notepad open.
- Your notes do not need to be correct. Nor do your passing thoughts, or your answers to questions. You don't have to sound smart. This isn't a contest of being the most right. How you felt in the moment is valid even if you disagree with those feelings later.
- My Super Junkoid notes were shit like "bird?", "OMINOUS", "Makes passable walls obvious by always using weird inset holes", "PURPLE GOT HANDS" like I'm just literally taking whatever surface level thoughts I'm having at the moment, writing them down, and using them as a reminder for later when I can flesh my thoughts out more.
- Listen to people who like what you like! Talk to people! Have discussions! Have fun! I love @boobs-are-progressive-and-feminist's note on Genichiro and you can read that and be like "wow Yuzu whipped all that up??? She's so smart!!!" and she IS so smart but we've also been talking about Sekiro and it's themes for the last month and this is like the 3rd of 4th version of that thesis I've seen from her. It's also the best version, but that only comes with time and rolling and getting different perspectives.
- Mundane thoughts have value. Funny thoughts have value. Don't be ashamed to share them! I loved the person who told me they like Artorias because of instead of Gitting Gud they decided they would get lame and tank through them and how that was a perspective shift for them. That's so human and Valid. That says only a little about Dark Souls 1 directly, but we're people and we like people stories. "You related to the thing I like differently then I did" is enough to be compelling.
Ultimately you just gotta take what you're feeling, remember it, and just... roll shit around in your head. It doesn't matter if it's super cool or smart sounding. Anyone who follows me on Twitter knows I'm a dumb bitch. Be earnest, share how you feel, be open to other interpretations and just... play. There is no prize for being the Best at Interpreting Art. You do it to get the most out of the things you enjoy.